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Action for Happiness brings people together and provides practical resources and evidence-based skills for happier living. Helping people feel a sense of belonging and commit to personal action to create more happiness, for themselves and others.
BITE BACK is the very first online positive psychology program designed to improve the overall wellbeing and resilience of young Australians aged 13 – 16 years old.
Brené has a wonderful way of sharing stories that inspire and nurture us to just be ourselves. Brené Brown's 10 guideposts for wholehearted living are a great place to start in learning more about her work.
What is your asking-giving style? How do you compare to others? Take this short quiz to find out! Rate your ability to build relationships by asking for help.
Gentle movement connected to the breath has many health benefits. Local people provide classes and activities in our community. You can find apps and guides online too. Check with your doctor before starting a new routine.
For First Nations people by the Black Dog Institute. A collection of social and emotional wellbeing resources and tools including lived experience stories, a self help app and more.
Mistakes are how we learn and grow. They are a prompt to try another way of doing things. Having a growth mindset is something you can learn to help you get the most out of times when things go wrong. A collection of printable posters and messages for growing your growth mindset. For adults and children.
Track your emotions for one week using the positive + negative emotion chart or the online tracker
Everyone has strengths. If you know them you can use them and if you use them it makes it easier to achieve your goals. So what is your greatest strength?
Check out this collection of simple lessons and activities aimed at students and staff to teach young people wellbeing skills.
Find more links to support on the bottom of our home page to
Phone crisis support
24 hours/day 7 days a week.
A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. No person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
Beyond Blue provide information and links to support and a suite of resources to help you look after your mental health.
Free professional 24/7 phone counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues. Online chat and video counselling available too.
1300 659 467
PANDA supports the mental health and wellbeing of expecting, new and growing families. Through a range of information, services and programs we support parents and families during pregnancy and the first 12 months of a new baby.
PANDA National Helpline (Monday to Saturday) 1300 726 306
Grief and loss are part of life. They mean we have loved something or someone. That we have had something very important to us in our life. The only way out of grief is through it.
You can't outrun it, work your way out of it, spend your way out of it, or travel the globe away from it... You need to be with it and grow through it.
You can experience a sense of grief or loss for many reasons – the death of someone you care about, your parents separating, breaking up with your partner, or even moving to a new city. There's no one-size-fits-all solution for dealing with grief, but there are ways to look after yourself.
The journey of grief is universal, but each individual’s experience is unique. By answering a few questions, the app offers strategies and solutions that can help.
A Tasmanian Lifeline offers non-judgmental, one-off or ongoing support for anyone having a tough time. Call 1800 98 44 34 from 8am-8pm every day of the year, or book a call back via the booking form on their website. You don’t have to go through a difficult situation alone.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you, or someone close to you, is diagnosed with dementia. You may not be aware of the support available to help you maintain independence and live well.
National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500
Carers need care too. Anyone can be a carer.
Many people don’t see themselves as carers. They are just children, parents, partners or friends who care for someone close to them.
If you are a carer, there is help and support available.
Palliative care is not just about dying or ‘end of life’. Palliative care helps people live their life as fully and as comfortably as possible when living with a life-limiting or terminal illness. Sometimes palliative care can support people for many months or even years.
Creating the right conditions for autistic Tasmanians to achieve. Growing community knowledge about autism and how to make a difference.
Their logo symbolises the rare native Tasmanian sun orchid. Just like the autism community, this extraordinary plant blooms "only when the conditions are right!"
Guidance to help people to understand about mental health and seek support when they need it.
If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter.
Guidance and support for children of parents with a Mental Illness.
Counselling, peer support, information and resources, blogs, webchat.
10am to 10pm Monday to Friday phone, web chat or email.
1800 18 72 63
Find more links to support on the bottom of our home page to
Social, emotional and cultural wellbeing online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Carer Gateway can help you to meet people who also care for a family member or friend. By sharing stories, knowledge and experience, you can learn from and support each other.
Connect with others and find support and information about gender, sexuality and identity.
Looking for local wellbeing champions?
Catherine Bonney
Cheryl Mobbs
Fleur Walker
Catherine Bonney
Robert Hughes
Robert Hughes
Annette Amse
Catherine Bonney
Jenny Singline
Leah Page
Bob Hoogland
Painting by Heather Chaplin
Sue Daniels
Positive emotions | Gratitude | Strengths | Mindfulness | Resilience
Connecting + Belonging | Kindness + Giving | Getting things done
A meaningful life | Sleep + rest well | Eat the good stuff | Moving well
Copyright © 2023 Wellbeing in Break O'Day - All Rights Reserved.
Break O'Day Council
Photo Credit Home Page Header: Cheryl Mobbs. More Image Credits in Links+More