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10 common positive emotions
Positive emotions are feelings that help us feel good. They can be fleeting. But we can learn to pay more attention to them and get more from each positive moment.
We are good at paying attention to emotions that are stressful such as fear, because they help us avoid danger and threats. All our emotions tell us important things and we learn a lot about ourselves when things go wrong or through times of feeling bad. But we can also choose to turn more of our attention to our positive experiences so that we can spend more time thinking things that make us feel good.
Positive emotions can have many benefits for our health and wellbeing. Reducing stress, boosting our mood, improving our relationships and helping us be more resilient to the ups and downs of life. They help us feel optimistic and to solve problems and think creatively.
When we focus on our positive emotions we get better at noticing them and better at creating more ways to experience them.
Happiness, elation and pleasure.
Appreciation for the good things in our lives.
Feeling of enjoyment, lightheartedness and playfulness.
Feeling of wonder and amazement.
Feeling satisfied in our own abilities or achievements.
Feeling positive and optimistic about the future, even in the face of challenges or uncertainty.
A deep and powerful emotional connection with someone or something.
Feeling energised and ready to do things.
A feeling of calm peace and tranquility in the present moment.
Feeling curious, engaged and keen.
Start a collection of things that will help you remember positive moments in your life or help you take notice of a positive emotion. This might be a collection of photographs that help you feel joyful... a collection of symbols of love.... a list of things that inspire you... it's up to you!
Remember to look through your treasures if you need a lift.
“Feelings are data, not directives.” - Prof. Susan David
Our emotions teach us things but we do not need to follow their instructions. Between feeling our emotion and taking action there is a pause...
We can learn how to listen to our emotions and ask why we feel the way we do before we react.
Laughter is contagious, so is kindness and so on...and so on.
When we focus on the positive things we help those around us see what's good too.
Try spreading a sprinkle of positivity and see what happens.
What comes easy for you? What do you enjoy? What things are most important to you? The things that you value and the things you do well are your character strengths. Get to know your strengths and use them to help you be your best.
Can you spot strengths in others?
Noticing the good in others helps us connect with each other and have healthy relationships.
Taking notice and slowing down helps you to feel calm and relaxed. Enjoy small moments. Take in the beauty of the world around you. Take a break and enjoy a few deep breaths.
Mindfulness – Mindfulness is about being present and aware without judgement. Learning how to be mindful can help you create a sense of peace for yourself.
Take the time to notice when things are good, celebrate the moment, share and enjoy.
Our brains are wired to respond to reward. Reward yourself for small things done well.
Take a few moments each day to think about the good things in your life. Can you think of three things each day that you are grateful for?
Keep a gratitude journal. Start small.
What is gratitude and why is it so important?
Everyone can learn to meditate and it is more simple than you think.
Daily Calm shared this 6 years ago. It has 19 million views. Tamara Levitt's voice is soothing and gentle. The comments section is full of joy too.
Dr. Gabor Maté - The Wisdom of Trauma
Helping kids build resilience.
We can all support the young people around us to grow resilience.
Create safe settings for them to try new things and celebrate progress not just success.
Support them to connect with others and take part in things.
Help them set their own goals and reflect on how they are doing.
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill.
We can all learn to bounce back or even forward from challenges.
An online gym where you’ll find tools and inspiration to build your emotional muscles so you’re better equipped to navigate life’s ups and downs.
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” - Dr. Seuss.
Self discovery is different for everyone. Find some tips here to help you on your journey
Live4Life is the only mental health education and youth suicide prevention model designed specifically for rural and regional communities.
Live4Life communities deliver Teen and accredited Youth Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community, create local partnerships to lead conversations about mental health that reduce stigma, and promote young leaders as mental health ambassadors.
Live4Life Break O’Day launched in April 2023. This exciting program is being coordinated by the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House.
Live4Life Break O’Day is funded by the Federal Government’s National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program.
Positive emotions | Gratitude | Strengths | Mindfulness | Resilience
Connecting + Belonging | Kindness + Giving | Getting things done
A meaningful life | Sleep + rest well | Eat the good stuff | Moving well
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Break O'Day Council
Photo Credit Home Page Header: Cheryl Mobbs. More Image Credits in Links+More